Interdisciplinary Thematic Program
Training courses open to research on the brain and cognition, international partnerships and transfer to society
Within the TransCoG Thematic Program, Master's degree programs in cognitive sciences, psychology, language sciences and philosophy pool their resources to offer a high-level interdisciplinary training program in cognitive sciences, supported by a broad research program on the brain and cognition. Our objective is to train to interdisciplinarity in cognition with an international perspective and a valorization in cognition, in all its forms.
CSPM H3S (Humanités, Santé, Sport, Sociétés) UGA*
UFR Sciences de l’Homme et de la société (UFR SHS**, Département de Psychologie)
• Master Psychologie
o M1 Psychologie
o M2 Psychologie
• Psychologie Recherche
• Neuropsychologie et Neurosciences Cliniques
UFR arts et sciences humaines (UFR ARSH, Département de Philosophie)
• Master Philosophie (M1 et M2)
UFR langage, lettres, arts du spectacle, information et communication (UFR LLASIC, Département Sciences du langage et didactiques des langues)
• Master Sciences du Langage (M1 et M2)
CAPM Grenoble INP Phelma
o Master Sciences Cognitives (M1 et M2)
*Main affiliation component
**UFR of management
ED ISCE École Doctorale Ingénierie pour la Santé, la Cognition et l' Environnement
ED SHPT École doctorale Sciences de l'Homme, du Politique et du Territoire
ED PHILO École doctorale Philosophie : Histoire, Créations, Représentations
ED LLSH École doctorale Langues, Littératures et Sciences Humaines
ED MSTII École doctorale Mathématiques, Sciences et technologies de l'information, Informatique
In Grenoble, Master's degree programs in cognitive sciences, psychology, language sciences and philosophy pool their resources to offer a high-level interdisciplinary training program in cognitive sciences, supported by a broad research program on the brain and cognition.
The program associates 5 master's degree courses at the University of Grenoble Alpes:
The "Natural and Artificial Cognition" program combines theories and techniques from engineering and information processing sciences with knowledge and issues from the human and social sciences; Contacts:,,
The "Research in Psychology" program trains researchers and teacher-researchers in all areas of the psychological sciences, with the possibility of obtaining the title of psychologist by completing a professional internship under the supervision of a psychologist; Contacts:,
The "Research in Neuropsychology and Clinical Neurosciences" program provides training in the theoretical bases of experimental methods in neuropsychology and cognitive neurosciences, in the anatomical and functional organization of cognitive functions, and in the physiopathological bases and innovative therapeutic approaches in human pathologies; Contacts:,
The "Linguistics" program allows students to understand linguistic systems based on the observation and modeling of linguistic structures from field data (corpora, surveys), the study of linguistic structures in cognitive and social processes in adults and children, and the methods of linguistics (corpus linguistics, experimental phonetics and phonology, statistics); Contacts:,,,
The "Cognitive Philosophy" program allows philosophy to contribute to the cognitive sciences. This course offers students the possibility of learning about the various disciplines that study cognition while acquiring a robust philosophical training on this question; Contacts:,
Within the framework of the TransCoG Thematic Program, the 5 training paths open up for all students gateways enabling to build rich and diversified interdisciplinary paths. Some of these courses will be available in English, and a set of scholarships for foreign students and mobility grants to international laboratories will be opened within the framework of the new "Graduate School" of the Université Grenoble Alpes.
The Thematic Program integrates two specific courses, one in M1 and the other in M2, that students selected for the Program will have to take instead of two courses (one in M1, the other in M2) of their master's degree. The specific M1 course is based on a series of international seminars organized during the year in the framework of the site's partner laboratories, and accompanied by work in groups of students from several disciplines, supervised by a dedicated teacher. The specific M2 course is centered on a week of intensive training organized for the Thematic Program, focusing on a particular methodological issue, which differs each year and is taught each year by a researcher from an international partner laboratory.
The TransCoG Thematic Program relies on a set of research laboratories in cognitive and social psychology, language and education sciences, fundamental and cognitive neurosciences, philosophy, applied mathematics, computer science, engineering and information sciences, structured for the past 10 years around high-level interdisciplinary projects on Brain and Cognition; as well as on a set of societal openings towards the fields of health (clinical research, disabilities), education and business.
The application file is that of the master program chosen by the student, and must be sent to the secretariat of the corresponding master.
I am an L3 student and I would like to join the TransCoG Thematic Program associated to my Master degree
L3 students who wish to join the TransCoG Program must apply in the targeted Master's program as well as to a specific application within the Graduate School @ UGA which coordinates all thematic programs:
Directors of the Thematic Program:
Link to be provided to applicants for the PT TrancCog Graduate School UGA application: